Sermon Series: Lessons in Luke Sunday 16th February 2025 From Psalm 1: Oh, the joy of those who do not rely only on human wisdom, Those who do not scoff at Godly insight. And the delight of following the ways of God Meditating on his laws and thinking about his ways They will be like trees along a riverbank bearing luscious fruit each season without fail. Knowing the blessing of God upon their lives Text: Luke 6: 17-26 Jesus had just done an ‘all-nighter’ – he had climbed to a mountain top and spent the night in prayer. He then goes on to give the “Sermon on the Plain” – a confronting text for the ‘well to do’, which speaks of 2 groups, the poor and the rich, one is blessed and the other cursed! Blessed are the poor and woe to the rich! Here is the full recording of the sermon:
Sermon Series: Lessons in Luke Sunday 9th February 2025 Text: Luke 5: 27-31 Levi – a tax collector, an outsider, and a collaborator with the occupying Romans – was an unusual pick for part of Jeus’s discipleship team. But Jesus wanted to reach out to the marginalised and excluded and invite them in. This is a major message of this passage – Jesus has come as a physician to tend to sick souls! God sees us in all our need and all of our potential for transformation. The question is, do we see this call on our lives coming to us from God? Watch the recorded sermon here: Come!
Come praise the eternal God! Let all that is within us-- body, emotions, mind, and will-- praise God’s holy name! Despite our failures, He forgives and releases us. More than any doctor, He treats our deepest need. When we are famished and weak, He fills us with good and beautiful things, satisfying our needs, and restoring our strength. So come! Come, praise the eternal God! Sing songs from a grateful heart, and remember all that He has done for us. Sermon Series: Lessons in Luke Sunday 2nd February 2025 Texts: Luke 5: 1-11 Isaiah 6: 1-8 From Psalm 25: The Lord is good and does what is right; he shows the proper path to those who go astray. 9 He leads the humble in doing right, teaching them his way. 10 The Lord leads with unfailing love and faithfulness all who keep his covenant and obey his demands. 11 For the honor of your name, O Lord, forgive my many, many sins. 12 Who are those who fear the Lord? He will show them the path they should choose. 13 They will live in prosperity, and their children will inherit the land. 14 The Lord is a friend to those who fear him. He teaches them his covenant. Last week we looked at Jesus’ rejection at Nazareth which culminated in the angry synagogue mob attempting to throw Jesus off a cliff. We finished with the dramatic conclusion where Jesus turns, faces the crowd, walks through the crowd and goes on his way. Forming a group of key followers, disciples, quickly became his next priority. Our reading from Luke 5 today is just one of a number of stories about Jesus calling his disciples. The fact that it is referred to repeatedly serves to emphasise its importance. Watch the recorded sermon here: Sunday 26th January 2025 Text: Luke 4: 14-30 All eyes have been on Washington DC this week, focused on the inauguration speech of Donald Trump and his subsequent assertion of power! In our Luke text today, all eyes were on Jesus. ‘The eyes of everyone in the synagogue were fastened on Jesus’ (4:20) The reason – this was, in fact, Jesus’ inauguration speech! It seems that this all revolves around ideas of power. Today we explore this in 3 ways: 1. Power and power struggles; 2. The use of power; 3. Response to claims of power. Watch the recording of the sermon here: There will be no recorded sermons for a couple of weeks whilst our Minister is on leave.
The weekly Bulletin/Service Sheets can be found on our News Page, and printable copies of recent sermons are also there. Sunday 22nd December 2022 Text: Luke 1: 47-55 Today is the 4th Sunday of Advent, and Hamish’s reflection is on the themes of Joy and Peace. The reading for today is commonly known as The Magnificat, where Mary rejoices and praises God for all He has done and promised. The recording reflection can be watched here: Sunday 8th December 2024 Reading: Luke 2: 1-7 As today is a Family Service, with a Nativity play, led by the children, there is just a short reflection on the Advent theme for today – Love. You can watch it here: Psalm 136: 1-9
Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever. Give thanks to the God of gods, for his steadfast love endures forever. Give thanks to the Lord of lords, for his steadfast love endures forever; to him who alone does great wonders, for his steadfast love endures forever; to him who by understanding made the heavens, for his steadfast love endures forever; to him who spread out the earth above the waters, for his steadfast love endures forever; to him who made the great lights, for his steadfast love endures forever; the sun to rule over the day, for his steadfast love endures forever; the moon and stars to rule over the night, for his steadfast love endures forever Sunday 1st December 2024 Advent 1: Hope, the Prophesy Candle Texts: Jeremiah 33:14-16 Luke 21:25-36 Our readings refer to the hope of a Messiah and the hope of a second coming of this ‘Son of Man’ Messiah. One was fulfilled back then with the birth of Jeus, one is foreshadowing future events. The sermon for today has been recorded, and you can watch it here: We lift up our souls to you, Holy God.
We trust the Lord with our past, present, and future We gather in hope and anticipation Teach us, Lord, that we may know your ways. Guide our every move, Holy One, That we may walk in your paths of hope, love and mercy. Let us worship the One who leads us in what is right. Together, let us worship God Sunday 24th November Reign of Christ the King Texts: Revelation 1: 4-8 John 18:33-37 Like leaves skipping over the carpet of grass, God comes to us, the One who was and is and is to come. Like the first glimpses of the sun peeking over the horizon: God comes to us, the One who was and is and is to come. Like the moon lighting our way on a cloudless, autumn night: God comes to us, the One who was and is and is to come. We have chosen to be here, where God remembers us. God comes to us, the One who was and is and is to come. Who rules and how do they rule? That question lies behind our reading for today. The question of who holds political power is not modern. The reading seems a bit out of context as we approach Christmas. We would normally associate this reading with Easter. But as today is Christ the King Sunday, this is the reading where Pontius Pilate and Jesus, in an extended discourse, discuss the issue of political power and what this entails. Over the centuries, because of this encounter with Jesus, Pilate has tended to be viewed as a villain with Jesus being an innocent victim of a political conspiracy. But the truth be told, Pontius Pilate is actually following the best of Roman rule and jurisprudence, which was a kind of triumph for its day because it was just and fair to all. Watch the recorded sermon here: Sunday 17 November 2024 Readings: 1 Samuel 1: 4-20 1 Samuel 2: 1-10 We are the body of Christ The Spirit of the Lord is upon us Anointing us to proclaim good news to the poor Sending us to proclaim freedom for the prisoners And recovery of sight for the blind Calling us to set the oppressed free Today, we are focusing on the PCANZ’s outreach in and to Myanmar. Hamish has recorded a short reflection, which can be viewed here: |
Worship ResourcesWorship Services are held at 10am every Sunday. For those unable to join us in person, a recorded version will be available from 9am each week. Archives
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