Sunday 24 September 2023 Readings:
Psalm 105:1-6, 37-45 Matthew 20:1-16 Let one generation tell the other God is great and deserves our praise. Let us glorify our God and our king; let us praise the Lord for ever and ever. We will celebrate God’s abundant goodness; and joyfully sing of the justice of the Lord. For God is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger, and lavish in love. God of amazing boundless grace, we come together to praise you. God of inexhaustible compassion, we come together to pray to you. God of perfect justice, we come together to be guided by you. Amen. The recorded sermon can be watched here:
Sunday 17th September 2023 Romans 14: 1-12 Matthew 18:21-35 Teach us your ways of forgiveness, loving God. Teach us to forgive ourselves when our thinking is too small or narrow, or cramped by fear or self interest. We are accountable to you: remind us how vast is your mercy, how deep is your love. Teach us to forgive each other when we impose our judgments on one another, failing to take into account the bigger picture, the hidden pain, our own misunderstanding and mistakes. Teach us to choose forgiveness, time and time again. For the harm we have done, for the good we have failed to do, teach us your ways of forgiveness, loving God. Today’s sermon can be viewed here: Sunday 10th September 2023 Readings: Isaiah 11: 1-9 Matthew 18: 15-17 God of our words and our actions, we come to you to learn that we may share with others, to grow that we may inspire others, to listen that we may learn from others, to be open that we may appreciate others, to become more like your Son, Jesus Christ, who invites us to care for others creatively, compassionately and constantly, in good times and in bad, in peace and in conflict. Amen. The sermon - Recognition, Resolution, Reconciliation – has been recorded and can be watched here: Sunday 3rd September 2023 Readings Exodus 3: 1-15 Matthew 16:21-28 God of all earth and sky, You shaped us from your own ground into being, You breathed spirit into our souls, You breathed word into our ears. You meet us in unexpected places calling us to turn aside and hear your Holy voice. Here we are, Holy God: open, waiting, hoping to meet you and to know you more deeply, more fully, more wholly, through Jesus Christ, your son, our lord. Todays' Sermon can be viewed here: |
Worship ResourcesWorship Services are held at 10am every Sunday. For those unable to join us in person, a recorded version will be available from 9am each week. Archives
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Administrator: Gail Weaver |