Sunday 26th May 2024 Readings: John 3:1-12 Isaiah 6:1-8 The John passage today features a debate between 2 theological heavyweights. Jesus in one corner, Nicodemus in the other. Both came to this with great credentials. Nicodemus came to Jesus looking for a theological debate; he got a religious experience! He was spiritually open to change, he was genuinely seeking, humble and enquiring; Jesus saw his need and cuts straight to that need, to open his heart to God’s forgiveness and power. Watch the recording of this week’s sermon here:
Sunday 19th May 2024 Pentecost Readings: Acts 2:1-21: Gathered together in Jerusalem on the Jewish festival of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit comes upon the followers of Christ and propels them into the streets, speaking the languages of the earth and astonishing the inhabitants of the city. John 15:26-27 & 16:4b-15: In the hours nearing his betrayal and arrest, Jesus assures his disciples with the promise that God will send a counsellor, the spirit of truth, to bear witness to Jesus and to guide them in speaking the truth about him to the world. Pentecost Sunday is when the Church celebrates the gift of the Holy Spirit being given to the first disciples of Jesus who were gathered together to celebrate Pentecost in the Jewish tradition. On this day many hundreds of years ago the birth of the Church took place and the Holy Spirit was gifted to the people.). No sooner had these folk gathered to look back and remember than there was a sound “like the rush of a mighty wind” that came “down from heaven,” and shook the foundations, and the Holy Spirit descended “like tongues of fire upon them.” The recording of this week’s sermon can be watched here: Sunday 12th May 2024 Ephesians 1: 13-14: “And you also were included in Christ when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of salvation, you were marked in Him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God’s possession….” Call to Worship: We gather in this place and at this time In this intersection between Ascension and Pentecost yearning for the Holy Spirit to fill us. We come, with our fellow seekers these ordinary people who are our friends trusting that God will continue to illumine our hearts. We will open your Word of grace so we might be fed by your love: that graced, we may serve others; that healed, we may bring hope to the world. Watch the recorded sermon here: Sunday 5th May 202 Texts: Psalm 98 Acts 10:44-48 Sing to the Lord a new song, a song of hope and rejoicing! Praise God for wonderful acts of mercy and kindness! God has remembered God’s faithful ones. God has poured blessing upon blessing upon us! Praise the Lord, all the earth, shout your praise! Rejoice, for God is truly with us. AMEN. Music is a wonderful thing, with an amazing ability to capture mood and invoke memories! Our hymn books are full of songs of praise – but life has seasons, and they do not all call for songs of rejoicing. So, where are our songs of lament? They are in the Psalms – the Psalms are full of lament and sorrow expressed around the hard times people faced: “why, O Lord” and “how long, O Lord” are common cries of the Psalmist’s heart. Watch the recorded sermon here: |
Worship ResourcesWorship Services are held at 10am every Sunday. For those unable to join us in person, a recorded version will be available from 9am each week. Archives
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