Readings: Acts 16:9-15: Paul has a vision in which he is instructed to go across to Macedonia and help the people there. The results of the visit are far more than Paul anticipated. John 5:1-9: This is the “third sign” in John’s Gospel – the first being the wedding at Cana and the second, the healing of the official’s son. Secondary to the story is that the healing takes place on the Sabbath – this makes Jesus’ opponents more determined to get rid of him. Today’s sermon - The Waiting List – can be viewed here:
New Things Readings: John 13:31-35 & Acts 11:1-18 Come all who are weary of wealth, of poverty, of power, of struggle, of division Come all who are heavy-laden with too much, with too little, with anxiety, with fear, with anger Come all who have hope for liberation, for peace, for freedom, for the kingdom Hear these words “See, I am making all things new.” (from I Am Making All Things New, written by Rosie Venner. Posted on the WSCF Europe website. The recorded sermon can be viewed here: Eternal God and Father,
by whose power we are created and by whose love we are redeemed: guide and strengthen us by your Spirit, that we may give ourselves to your service, and live this day in love to one another and to you; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord. Amen John 21: 1-19: The Risen Christ appears to his disciples on the beach and speaks to them of his abiding love for them as well as their responsibility to follow him. For over 65 years I have read or listened to the events of Easter and Post Easter as recorded in the New Testament. And as I read them again this year, it struck me that there is, somehow, always a freshness about them and a sense of the surprising and the unexpected. Watch the recorded sermon - It was outside their own experience! - here: Good Shepherd Sunday Ezekiel 34: 11-16 Isaiah 53: 1-9 John 10: 11-18 View the recorded Reflections for today’s service here: To those who hear his voice, recognise it and follow Jesus he promises that they will be part of the heavenly choir mentioned in the Revelation of John. To them Jesus promises eternal life.
What a wonderful promise that is! Jesus is promising us that if we are genuinely His sheep, then nothing can change that fact. If we are His followers, we will inherit eternal life. To put it another way, God is holding on to us, and won’t let go. This is a tremendous promise that should encourage us when we fail. We cannot mess up so badly that we are lost to God, because we are not holding on to God – God is holding on to us. The Good Shepherd always has us in his care. Thank You that in Your grace and through the Lord Jesus You seek us out, You find us, You help us, and give us new joy and hope. We hear Your call to care for others as You care for us, to love as You love, to give and go on giving, to heal, to feed, to nurture and reconcile. |
Worship ResourcesWorship Services are held at 10am every Sunday. For those unable to join us in person, a recorded version will be available from 9am each week. Archives
January 2025
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Administrator: Gail Weaver |