Sunday 29 October 2023 Readings Deuteronomy 6: 4-9 Ephesians 4: 1-6, 11-16 Today, Hamish shares with us his reflections on his 2 years as Moderator of the PCANZ. The two bible readings for today pick up on key themes that will emerge from this address today, the theme of intergenerational connection that comes out in Deuteronomy 6 and the theme of the strength that comes from unity in diversity captured in the Ephesians 4 passage. The recording of this talk can be viewed here:
Sunday 22nd October 2023 Text: Genesis 1: 26-27 Matthew 22: 15-22 This interaction with the Pharisees about taxes and an image on a coin happened in the very first week following Jesus’ induction as the Messiah. Only a day or so before he had been welcomed into Jerusalem with the waving of Palm branches, a carpet of cloaks, shouts of hosanna and welcome to the King of kings. Watch the recorded sermon here: One of our hymns for today’s worship is O God, we bear the imprint of your face, by Shirley Murray.
You can find various recordings of it online (here is one:, but the words are worth sharing here. O God, we bear the imprint of your face: the colours of our skin are your design, and what we boast of beauty in our race as man or woman, you alone define: you stretched a living fabric on our frame and gave to each a language and a name. Where we are torn and pulled apart by hate because our race, our skin is not the same, while we are judged unequal by the state and victims made because we own our name, humanity reduced to little worth - dishonoured is your living face on earth. O God, we share the image of your Son whose flesh and blood are ours, whatever skin, in his humanity we find our own, and in his family our proper kin: Christ is the brother we still crucify, his love the language we must learn, or die. Sunday 1st October 2023 Readings: Exodus 17:1-7: God’s people were not always comfortable with God’s leadership. They began to murmur because Moses had led them from the familiarity of Egypt into a frightening new wilderness where they were thirsty. They put the Lord to the test: Is the Lord among us or not?” Could God possibly be in that new unfamiliar territory? Matthew 21:23-32: As our Gospel reading begins we overhear Jesus talking to the religious officials of his day. He is speaking with the “insiders” of the faith. These insiders not only rejected John the Baptist when he came but they also rejected Jesus and his message as being far from the centre of their traditional faith. Jesus told these officials that the “tax collectors and prostitutes” would be going into the kingdom of God ahead of them. Todays’ sermon has been recorded and you can watch it at |
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