Truly Welcome Readings: Luke 14:1, 7-14 Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16 This week we explore themes of welcoming. As the Hebrews reading puts it: Remember to welcome strangers in your homes. There were some who did that and welcomed angels without knowing it. and Do not forget to do good and to help one another, because these are the sacrifices that please God. The recording of this week’s sermon can be viewed here:
Jeremiah 23: 23-29 Luke 12: 49-56 Hebrews 11: 29-12:2 Our Guest Preacher this Sunday is Rev Dr Geoff King, with the theme “Running the Human Race” Whilst there is no recording of the sermon this week, here are some points to ponder, and thoughts for the week: Points to ponder: How would you define faith in general and Christian faith in particular? How do ‘people of faith’ respond when faced with texts which seem to challenge some of the core beliefs of their tradition? Today’s readings provide plenty of challenges, as well as a memorable metaphor from the imaginative mind of the apostle Paul. Jeremiah 23: 23-29 is a warning to all ‘false prophets’ that the ‘word of God’ is like ‘fire’ and a ‘hammer’ – hardly comforting images. Luke 12: 49-56 features Jesus, elsewhere worshipped as the ‘Prince of Peace’, telling his followers that he has come to bring ‘not peace, but rather division’ (Matthew’s version of this story is even more graphic: ‘I have not come to bring peace, but a sword.’ Hebrews 11: 29-12:2 concludes Paul’s catalogue of the ‘great cloud of witnesses’ with an appeal to his readers to ‘run with perseverance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus the pioneer and perfecter of our faith.’
Thoughts for the week Faith is a commitment to the world’s transformation through God to a kingdom of justice and peace. (James W. Douglass, Lightning East to West, 1980, p. 5) Faith is the strength by which a shattered world shall emerge into the light. (Helen Keller (1880-1968)) The Christian life is as simple and as challenging as this: to love God and to love that which God loves. This is the central meaning of faith. Given the premodern meaning of “believe,” to believe in God is to belove God. Faith is about beloving God and all that God beloves. The Christian life is about beloving God and all that God beloves. Faith is our love for God. Faith is the way of the heart. (Marcus J. Borg, The Heart of Christianity: Rediscovering a life of faith, HarperSanFrancisco 2003, p. 41) I see, I wonder, I understand! Readings: Isaiah 1:1 & 10-20: The prophet Isaiah, who is probably best known to us for his beautiful prophecies of the coming of the suffering servant, is introduced to us here in a much darker vein. The theme of these opening verses is of punishment for the wayward ways of God’s people. Luke 12: 32-40: The recurring theme in all of our Scripture readings for today is that we are called to be faithful and out of our faith to do what is right. What is it for us to see, to wonder and to understand as we look at the world and the many issues confronting us, our way of life and values to day? Can we gain a godly or holy perspective on our life and the life of the world? Watch the recording of this week’s sermon here: Full of faith,
We will work together for justice. Full of faith, We will hope for the future. Full of faith, We will live together in peace. Full of faith, We will follow Jesus together. |
Worship ResourcesWorship Services are held at 10am every Sunday. For those unable to join us in person, a recorded version will be available from 9am each week. Archives
January 2025
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Administrator: Gail Weaver |